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Tuesday, 7/17/07 we met our new pediatrician, one that is very well known in the Vegas Valley, Ralph Conti. It was good to see his new office and talk face to face about how he manages multiples. I had taken the girls to him 8 or 9 years ago, but his old office was so crowded and the waits were very long. We discussed how we couldn’t bear to do that again, so he really eased our fears and was very good about offering support by providing us a beeper number and a cell number, which is an extreme rarity and we certainly appreciate that he’s making himself available. We’ll see what happens.
Tuesday night Bunny came in and it’s so great to see her! She made 3 baby quilts that are absolutely beautiful! They are so colorful and will be awesome in the nursery and using them on the floor for tummy time for the boys. Bunny, Bill, Jamie and Danny also ordered strollers for the boys and we’ve received one of them. My mom bought the infant seats and we picked those up on Wednesday. Thursday morning I received a call from the doctors office and my glucose test results are high. My blood sugar was 168 and norm is under 135. So Monday I will take a 3 hour glucose and get stuck for blood 4 times. The fun never ends!
Today is Saturday and it was a rough morning for me. Contractions I think. I woke up at 5 a.m. with so much belly pain and back pain. Finally after about an hour or so, I was able to go to sleep again and then at 8 a.m. the pain was back again. I called my doctor, but haven’t received a call back, which is highly irritating to me, but the pain has also subsided. So, I’m not sure what has been going on. It always makes me scared because it’s too early to deliver. Not sure, but maybe he’ll send me to the hospital for monitoring, which I don’t want to do. The last place I want to be is in the hospital.
Also today, Daniel and Christopher are here after coming over last weekend to show us some paint colors. Today all the work is being done. Bunny, Chip, Christopher and Daniel has been working like crazy since about 11 a.m. The girls are here this weekend too and have pitched in to help. We changed our configuration of the upstairs and nursery for the babies. Chip and Bunny primed Gillian’s old pink room, which was very pink! Now it’s the new nursery. The guest room will be our “spare” room which is also getting painted today. I’m so excited! Since I can only go up and down the stairs once a day I haven’t seen the action, but Chip has taken a few pictures, which I’ll post. It looks good from what I’ve seen.
I’ll post whatever pictures I can very soon. We finally replaced our digital camera, which met it’s maker in Hawaii after 5 good years. I’ll have Chip take a belly pic or two and we’ll post those too.
Thank you to everyone who has commented that they read the blog. I am enjoying writing and keeping a good journal of this incredible journey. My body hurts and is tired and my mind isn’t as sharp these days. I need a place to keep all my thoughts in order. Thank you to everyone for their support and help with this endeavor. It has meant the world to us and from the bottom of our hearts we can’t thank everyone enough.
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