Thursday, February 12, 2009

Gary's first boo boo and figures out how to twirl in circles.

Yesterday 2/11, Gary was the first little guy to bleed. He bit his lip so hard! Blood everywhere. I was on my way home and coming in the door. Kristy was here this week watching the boys while mom went home and Benny had surgery. Chip and Kristy were beginning to get worried about the blood. By the time I got home he was screaming but the blood had slowed way down. Poor little guy. He got lots of extra love. He had a rough day. Today Gary was so happy when I got home. Jumped in my lap and then was laughing. He has a fat lip still and has his fingers in his mouth a lot. Maybe it's the lip, maybe it's new teeth. We're not sure. Tonight he turned himself in circles until he was dizzy. I think he was chasing his shadow, but not totally sure. Of course he stopped and then just hobbled and fell from being dizzy. Mom, Chip and I laughed SO hard. It was great. Ryan and Ben seemed out of sorts today. Hopefully tomorrow will be good. Everyone has pooped a bunch since the other day, so hopefully we're over that hump and can keep on organic milk.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The boys first trip to the park and fall in love with Little Einsteins

It's been too long since we've jotted anything, so I'm going to try and recall the last month or so. Our Las Vegas deposition on 1/9 went very well. Leveled the playing field anyway. It's nice that we finally just maybe get a break. We'll see. Things the boys have done. They took their first trip to the park in Wingfield Springs on 1/26. The boys are so busy and interactive. They still love Little Einsteins. Now all the boys are getting more active and raising their arms to the blastoff and doing pat, pat, pat. Gary has had some constipation problems and we now know what to do...a regimen of Miralax daily or every other day. He's doing much better. Gary's also had some problems waking up in the night and screaming. I wonder why and since they can't talk to us, it's hard to tell other than limbs being stuck which, as far as we know, only happend once. The boys continue to try to talk. Gary is trying to say tractor. Gary is trying to say so many words. Ben and Ryan sometimes do and sometimes just play. Like everything else Gary has been first to do more. The other two, I'm sure will come around any time now. All of the boys continue to get more and more into books. Chip was looking at a book with them recently and made the "arf, arf" seal sound. The boys laughed so hard and Gary stuck his lips out and tried to do. SO CUTE. They running everywhere and discoverying so much. We've also had 2 baths in our big tub. Much less time individually, but I worry they don't get enough alone time with us. It's a weird dynamic--for me anyway. Ben is figuring out that he won't be pushed around and in particular likes to bite Ryan. The last week has been brutal for Ryan. Ben needs to get over it. Poor Ryan has a couple of good sets of teeth marks on him. Ben continues to love his blanket and carries around the empty (or full) bottle. Our little Linus. Ryan is just climbing everything and wants to be everywhere he can get hurt. I'm finding that he also likes the cloud blanket in bed with him. He sleeps with it over his head. Celia made those soft blankets for the little guys. All the boys still love to be outside but are exploring more in the yard than just the playset. Mom, Chip or both of us take them outside almost every day and they love it. Especially watching the cars go by and seeing the birds and ducks. Chip even put Ryan and Ben on the tricycle. It was so funny to watch. The boys liked it, but can only touch the pedals when they are "up". Kaitlyn and Gillian were here the first and third weekend in January. Now it's been a long stretch in seeing them because of the two 3 day weekends. It's hard, but I'm glad that they get to spend 3 day weekends. John continues to manipulate any way he can, especially when he can fly under the radar like not sending the GS cookie stuff in time. It does appear tho that John has been shorter on money this month. When we do get to chat with them it's more chicken nuggets at home and renting movies. It just gets more interesting. Chip and I are trying to keep the organization stuff caught up. It's not great, but hopefully a step forward. I'm getting our tax stuff together too. I'm hoping that after February we'll get more of a breather financially and get a big return to help us jump ahead. I'm hoping too that Chip and I can get out a little more and spend some quality time together. Not sure how I can fit that in too.